May 15, 2014

Autumn in Love

As I live now in Australia and experiencing four different seasons in a year, I feel that Autumn is my most favorite season. Seeing the changing color of the leaves, they fragility when they fell down to the earth...yes, it's sad and so melancholy too, still it's something beautiful, freely given by the nature. 

As quoted from Ernest Hemingway: 

"You are expected to be sad in the Autumn. Part of you died each year when the leaves fell from the trees, and their branches were bare against the wind and the cold, wintery light. But you knew there would always be the Spring, as you knew the river would flow again after it was frozen. When the cold rains kept on and killed the Spring, it was a though a young person died for no reason..." 

Ohh! Autumn! Please don't go away too fast from my sight. 

May 13, 2014

As Much as I Love the Ocean

How long will I love you?
As long as the stars are above you
And longer, if I can.

How long will I need you?
As long as the seasons need to
Follow their plan.

How long will I be with you?
As long as the sea is bound to
Wash upon the sand.

How long will I want you?
As long as you want me to
And longer by far.

How long will I hold you?
As long as your father told you,
As long as you can.

How long will I give to you?
As long as I live through you
However long you say.

How long will I love you?
As long as stars are above you
And longer, if I may.

We're all traveling through time together
Every day of our lives.
All we can do is do our best
To relish this remarkable ride.

[Always in love with you, Melbourne, May 13th 2014] 

May 12, 2014

I Wish Simplicity

Two strangers met and chat on a fine afternoon. They shared the chair here at this park. They shared the view of a beautiful and peaceful Yarra River during this chilly Autumn. They too shared the story of their life. 

They, then, said goodbye to each other. No one asking for another meeting, or demand for a commitment to be more than just a stranger. Perhaps, that's how life should be. That's how life goes on. Should be that simple. 

But I know, that's a wish only. My wish.  

(Melbourne in Autumn). 

May 1, 2014

Be Abled for Disabled

This afternoon I was joining a training facilitated by Vision Australia, an Australian-based NGO work for people with disability (the blind and low vision). I learned how to be a carer and an instructor to guide and train people in needs to walk with cane and help their mobility. Some techniques and tricks how to use the cane were shared, including how to detect our surrounding with "the echo location". We walked together from the busiest train station in Melbourne, the Flinders Street Station, to along the Yarra river at the Federation Square area. It was fun as we tried to walk on the parks cover with sand,  grass, and at the pavement, climbing the wooden bridge and roof top of a car park. It was more fun as this is my first time encountered and walked together with quite large number of blind people and low vision impairment. They are also very nice, friendly and fun people to be with! 

However as I am still very inexperience walking with people using cane and in large number, I accidentally stumble by the cane from one who walked behind me. I fell and hurt both of my left and right knees and hands. I was more shocked than feeling pain when it happened. But I impressed of how those disabled taking care of me, than I take care of them. Oh. How blessed I am to met them! 

Today I learned that it is totally not easy being a blind or having low vision impairment. It is definitely not easy to walk, especially in the crowd with this condition and limitation. Two things that most people are afraid of in their life: become blind and have cancer. But they taught me some lesson today. To be grateful and never gave up for whatever condition we have. Therefore, may we always be grateful if we still have a good vision and have no disability. But part of being grateful is to be helpful for people with disability. With our own way and resources, we can contribute to create a safe and friendly environment for them, and for the aged people as well. 

One of thing that I observe while living here in Australia, almost everyday I see a lot of people with different type of disability walking independently, alone and without carer or companion. I see them everywhere. At the public transport, train station, shopping malls, parks, beach, street and at the cafe whenever they stop to buy coffee just like me. I made friends with some of them. They are all very active and expert on their fields. Some of them are brilliant postgraduate students. Some of them are lecturers, managers, and even police officer. Some of them use wheelchair to commute. While for the blind and have low vision they walk with cane. They can commute easily as the environment, such as public facility (train, tram and bus stations) and buildings are relatively friendly for them, and people here are very supportive. "Give a way" culture is so strong here, not just for pedestrians whom prioritized here, but especially for the disabled.

I dream that similar condition and awareness could also be seen in Indonesia. Similar trainings as I had today could also be given for people in needs, but also for the abled, to let them aware and could participate to help the disabled in their family and community. To let more people be abled for the disabled. Indonesia is also known for having a large population with disability and very poor social awareness and environmental support. How do we, Indonesians, treat people with disability? Majority of us, if not discriminate them, we neglect them. Even our policy excluded their voice, rights and needs. But like what I learned today, with cane and training how to use it, help them to have a better quality of life. Cane helps them navigate and enjoy their surrounding. Cane gives them independence, and to be "seen" within community. Cane makes them able to live their daily life with dignity. 

Today, I fell and injured quite painfully. But today I am happy and feeling blessed, as I learned new things to see the world and to be part of society. 

Caring society, we can make. And this is my dream, for Indonesia. A safe and friendly environment for all ages. I dream for social inclusion for all, but especially for the disabled and vulnerable groups within our society.