July 29, 2011

The Story of Indonesia's Interfaith Couples

On last June 2011, FEMINA Magazine, a female Indonesia magazine, published a story about two Indonesian women, Stella Hutagalung and Lia Marpaung, both are known as the founder of Indonesia Interfaith Couples Community. In the article, they both tell their stories of marrying men of other faith. May not be an issue in other democracies, but sadly still a big deal in Indonesia.

Hope you enjoy the story I uploaded here. Hope you can also support spirit of humanity wherever.

Let's promote pluralism and tolerance through our marriages.

July 8, 2011

Paradise in the Wilds of Papua

For decades, the only foreign visitors to venture into Papua were gold-diggers, anthropologists, missionaries and soldiers fighting imperial wars.

But the vast, western half of New Guinea island is slowly opening its doors to tourists as a “hidden paradise,” a land of ancient tribal cultures, glittering reefs, soaring glaciers and teeming wildlife.

Recreational travelers number a few thousand a year at most: people like Sarah Gabel, a 29-year-old American who says she is “captivated by people who live in harmony with nature.”

That’s what she found in the Baliem Valley, the long-isolated home of the Dani tribe high in the Papuan central highlands, outside the town of Wamena.

“I made a one-week trek. I crossed rivers in the wild, slept in huts and met semi-naked men hunting wild boars with arrows,” she said.

This kind of “ethnic tourism” is growing in New Guinea, the largest island in Asia, where a thousand indigenous tribes are divided between the independent state of Papua New Guinea to the east and the Indonesian-controlled provinces of Papua and West Papua to the west.

“The clients come mostly from Europe and the US. They don’t look for five-star hotels but want to discover unknown territories and authenticity,” explained Iwanta Perangin-Angin, whose agency, Papua Adventure, offers stays in Baliem.

Packed with exotic wildlife, Papua also attracts nature buffs and ornithologists in search of birds of paradise and cockatoos. Environment group WWF last week announced the discovery of more than 1,000 new species on New Guinea, including a frog with fangs and a round-headed dolphin.

The Raja Ampat marine park has also earned a reputation as a diving mecca, with more and more live-aboard boats offering extended voyages around the area’s dozens of pristine reefs. “Papua is a hidden paradise. It’s a unique destination with a lot to offer, from wild beaches to high mountains and deep jungle, with a strong culture and beautiful art,” said Azril Azahari, a professor at Trisakti University Institute of Tourism,

“It’s a niche market because it’s very expensive and visitors need to be in good shape to support the climate, the hilly landscape and the very basic transport.”

And then there’s the political situation. Indonesian troops are accused of widespread human rights abuses against indigenous tribes which have been waging a low-level separatist war since the 1960s, often armed with little more than slings and arrows.

Foreign journalists and aid workers are barred from visiting the resource-rich provinces of Papua to report on the rebellion.

“The political situation has been quiet for some time but Papua is still seen abroad as an unsafe destination. The government has to do something to change this reputation,” Azahari said.

“It is essential to develop grassroots, community-based tourism which benefits local people and increases their incomes. The future doesn’t lie with luxury resorts.”

Others warn against the worst outcomes of “ethnic tourism,” such as promoting tribal people as “primitive” when they are not. This is already happening in the form of reconstructions of tribal wars. When tourists arrive, the Dani men take off their shorts and T-shirts, paint their bodies and attach traditional penis gourds known as “kotekas.”

“Papuans are very proud of their traditions but they are weakened by the modern world,” said Yotam Yorgen Fonataba, organizer of an annual cultural festival at Sentani Lake, near the Papuan provincial capital of Jayapura.

“I’m still optimistic our culture is strong and we want to protect it. For this, we need to show the world our creativity.”

Launched four years ago, the festival brings together thousands of people from 24 communities scattered around the huge lake. To the rhythm of traditional drums known as “tibas,” warriors sing haunting tribal songs while dancers, clad in richly colored costumes, sway on boats that glide across the still lake.

A student choir sings a song which goes: “I am Papuan, I have dark skin, I have curly hair. Papua, a piece of heaven fallen on the Earth.

[Source: http://goodnewsfromindonesia.org/2011/07/04/paradise-in-the-wilds-of-papua/ and The Jakarta Globe]

May 18, 2011

Tiga Belas Tahun Lalu

Tiga belas tahun lalu adalah saat yang amat pahit bagi bangsa Indonesia. Terutama untuk kota Jakarta .Setelah kota Jakarta dihancurkan kita semua diperhadapkan dengan masalah lain yang tak kalah peliknya: politik adu domba antar kelompok masyarakat, rasa tidak aman dan ketakutan yang terus menerus. Sekaligus kebingungan tentang apa yang sesungguhnya terjadi. Jelas sekali ada ada berbagai upaya rekayasa sosial yang jahat dilancarkan. Bukan hanya untuk membuat orang lupa, tapi juga membuat orang ketakutan atau berprasangka buruk tentang kelompok yang lain.

Mari kita amati kembali dengan tenang. Tragedi Kemanusiaan Mei 98 terjadi sekitar dua bulan setelah Sidang Umum MPR. Pengamanan di Jakarta saat itu lebih dari biasanya. Pemerintah melalui Mabes ABRI melakukan Operasi Mantap ABRI, yaitu pengamanan dan antisipasi penanggulangan situasi keamanan dalam negeri. Khusus untuk kota Jakarta dibentuk Operasi Mantap Jaya di bawah pangdam Jaya. Sebagai gambaran jumlah pasukan yang dapat digunakan di lapangan saat itu adalah 90 SSK (Satuan Setingkat Kompi) atau sekitar 9000 orang. Pasukan ini masih ditambah kekuatan imbangan (Polda-Polda) sebanyak 46.236 orang. Jumlah pasukan yang amat besar untuk mengamankan Jakarta.

Pada tanggal 13-15 Mei 1998 kita semua ternganga saat pasukan yang amat besar itu justru menghilang dari berbagai lokasi kerusuhan. Kalau pun mereka ada di beberapa wilayah tampak seperti membiarkan saja segala penyerangan terhadap penduduk sipil yang berlangsung di depan hidung mereka. Di depan mata semua penduduk kota Jakarta sejumlah besar massa berseragam SMA atau berpakaian lusuh atau preman melakukan penyerangan. Mereka memapunyai pembagian tugas yang amat rapi: ada yang bertugas membakar ban mobil, berteriak memprovokasi massa dengan yel reformasi atau anti Cina, membongkar rolling door, membakar kendaraan, bangunan atau manusia. Semua bergerak cepat dan jelas terkoordinir. Usai melakukan penyerangan di satu titik mereka pindah ke titik lain. Begitu seterusnya sampai Jakarta benar-benar porak poranda. Usai menjalankan operasinya, mereka serentak menghilang. Lalu kembali Jakarta ‘aman’ dengan munculnya kembali pasukan keamanan lengkap di lapangan.

Penelitian yang dilakukan oleh lembaga-lembaga swadaya masyarakat di 80 titik lokasi ledakan di Jakarta mendapatkan fakta yang amat penting: Masyarakat setempat secara umum tidak mengenali para pelaku penyerangan di lokasi mereka. Mereka terkejut melihat massa dalam jumlah besar melakukan pembakaran dan penyerangan di mana-mana Mereka kuatir karena terjadi penyerangan terhadap orang-orang Tionghoa atau wilayah mereka. Di banyak lokasi masyarakat berjaga siang malam karena isu akan ada serangan dari perusuh. Tidak jelas isu itu dari mana asalnya tapi menyebar cepat merata ke seluruh wilayah Jakarta.

Di banyak lokasi terjadi kesepakatan bahwa yang berjaga di ‘garis depan’ kampung atau perumahan adalah orang dari berbagai etnis, sedang warga yang beretnis Tionghoa diminta berjaga di belakang. Selain itu masyarakat sengaja menempelkan tulisan “milik pribumi” di bangunan-bangunan mereka dengan harapan perusuh beralih ke sasaran lainnya. Jelas bahwa sebenarnya masyarakat amat menyadari problem diskriminasi rasial terhadap etnis Tionghoa.

Kehancuran paling parah secara umum terdapat di wilayah sentra ekonomi atau lokasi yang warganya tidak bersatu melakukan perlawanan. Di lokasi ang warganya bersatu secara umum selamat dari serangan.Sebagai contoh serangan yang ditujukan ke wilayah RW 08 Muara Karang yang mayoritas warganya adalah etnis Tionghoa justru membawa dampak yang manis bagi kehidupan warga selanjutnya. Ketua RW 08 Bapak Hauw Ming saat menyadari bahwa tidak ada harapan pertolongan atau pengamanan memutuskan menggerakan semua warga bersatu melawan. Warga yang ketakutan dan awalnya banyak tidak saling mengenal justru akhirnya bersatu dan merasakan persaudaraan yang sejati. Mereka semua selamat walaupun diserang berulangkali. Pelajaran amat berharga: tetangga atau komunitas kita harus menjadi saudara sejati kita.

Usai babak pertama Tragedi Mei 98 kembali kita mendapat serangan kedua. Bentuknya agak berbeda. Distorsi informasi dan teror. Tujuannya sepertinya untuk membuat korban dan masyarakat bungkam, kebingungan dan pasrah hidup dalam rasa takut. Pertama dengan isu-isu penyerangan atau balas dendam dari perusuh. Dilanjutkan dengan stigma buruk pada para korban. Beruntun komentar negatif kepada etnis Tionghoa yang pada pokoknya menyatakan bahwa sudah sewajarnya etnis Tionghoa menjadi korban. Gambaran bahwa semua orang etnis Tionghoa adalah orang asing, kaya raya, pelit dan eksklusif dipaksakan untuk diterima sebagai kebenaran. Gambaran ini dirangkaikan dengan stigma bahwa semua orang miskin dari etnis berbeda benci dan ingin menjarah harta benda milik etnis Tionghoa. Etnis tionghoa seperti sengaja mau dibenturkan ke etnis-etnis yang lain. Sengaja dibangun tembok agar kebencian dan prasangka tumbuh di antara kita.

Teror ditebar kepada para relawan dan para pekerja sosial. Selain teror kepada personal, peristiwa pembunuhan alm. Ita Martadinata jelas membuat hampir semua orang memilih bungkam. Juga kepada siapapun yang mau bicara tentang fakta Mei 98. Berulang kali saya bertemu dengan orang-orang yang menjadi saksi penting namun memilih bungkam. Bukan hanya orang awam. Ketakutan yang sama juga dialami oleh aparat yang terlibat di lapangan. Baik birokrat, kepolisian atau militer bersepakat untuk tutup mulut. Sebagian secara terbuka menyampaikan ketakutan mereka, sebagian menolak sama sekali untuk berkomunikasi.

Walau Tim Penyelidik ad Hoc Komnas HAM yang meminta mereka bersaksi, mereka semua sepakat menolak. Seiring dengan percaturan politik perebutan kue kekuasaan, bicara tentang Tragedi Mei pun seolah ditujukan untuk kepentingan politik menjatuhkan salah satu atau dua capres atau wakilnya. Sampai sekarang situasi sesungguhnya tetap sama. Tak seorangpun dari pelaku yang bicara tentang apa yang terjadi. Proses hukum masih macet, belum cukup kekuatan untuk mendorongnya maju.

Saat ini tahun ke tiga belas. Saya sungguh mensyukuri kebesaran TUHAN yang selalu hidup dalam sejarah dunia, termasuk Indonesia. Tiga belas tahun ternyata tidak menyurutkan semangat para relawan, korban dan masyarakat. Harapan dan semangat untuk membuat perubahan ternyata masih berkembang di mana-mana. Terutama pada anak-anak dan generasi muda. Kami bertemu dengan ribuan anak yang dengan tegas menyatakan tekad untuk menghargai sesama yang berbeda ras, etnis atau agama. Kami juga bertemu dengan banyak orang muda di seluruh Indonesia dan negara-negara lain yang masih amat bersemangat untuk berbuat sesuatu sesuai kapasitas masing-masing.

Saya yakin akan tiba saatnya kebenaran dan keadilan berdiri tegak di Indonesia. Akan ada masa di mana kita semua bisa hidup tentram tanpa rasa takut. Semua bisa kita raih asalkan kita mau bergandengan tangan, serius berjuang di bidang kita masing-masing. Jika Tuhan berkenan membuka pintu keadilan tidak akan ada seorang pun yang mampu menutupnya.

Apa yang dikerjakan arsitek jahat tragedi Mei 98 bukan tidak dapat dilawan. Setiap guru di kelas bisa mengajarkan pada semua muridnya untuk menghargai sesama, untuk menjadi manusia yang jujur dan berani. Ceritakan tentang Tragedi Mei 98. tanpa perlu menunggu pemerintah menyetujui memasukkannya dalam kurikulum pendidikan nasional. Tidak harus menjadi anggota parlemen untuk berbuat sesuatu bagi masyarakat. Setiap ibu bisa bercerita pada anaknya, rekan sekerjanya, tetangga atau pembantu rumah tangganya tentang pelajaran dari tragedi Mei 98. Setiap pemimpin umat punya ruang yang amat luas untuk mengajar umatnya bekerja bagi bangsa sebagai pertanggungjawaban iman. Semua orang bisa berbuat sesuatu asalkan mau.***

(Disadur dari tulisan Esther Yusuf)

Lost in Pasar JIBAMA, Wamena, Papua

Via Twitter, one of my friend was asking my story when I visited the traditional local market in Jayawijaya highland in Papua, and asking if I could send him some photos. So trying to find my old photo collection when I lived in there, kind of reminds me the old life that I have, till I found one of this old story I wrote on my old Friendster Blog in here :D

So enjoy this old writing of mine...and now I am really hoping that I could visit lovely Wamena and their unique traditional market of Jibama again....:D


Pasar Jibama, Wamena

Before left Papua, my hubby and I spent some few days in the cold city of Wamena at Jayawijaya highlands. We were there to attended one of my best friend’s, Ratih’s son 1st b-day, but also to bit farawell to our friends, extended family and also my partners in that area. And to again enjoying the beauty and unique culture of the highlands community.

So in between our tight schedule, I took my hubby to the traditional market called Pasar Jibama. This market is located at the valley of Jayawijaya mountain, about 15 minutes by Becak from the city of Wamena or from my friend’s hotel [Putri Dani' Inn]. The differences we can immediately noticed from the market are the traders and buyers are almost all local Wamena’s people. Its very rare to see people like us [whom they called "pendatang"]. I guess some “pendatang” are bit scared to visit this market :) but for my self, this market is one of my favourite hang out place in Wamena [hehehe]. I can bravely came alone to this place, or I used to bring my “bule” and other Indonesian friends here, just to introduced them with the local wamena market and its livelyhood. I can take many pictures, talked with the people specially with the women or we used to call the women “mama”, enjoying my self buying some local produce such as fruits like markisa [very nice !], carrot, tomato and other item that I used to buy for gift such as noken bag and other local made handycraft, without feeling scared and in doubt. It is sometimes Wamena people look menacing, but I guess it just because they are innocent and also because they seldom see other peoples. My hubby also looked scared and worried when he first time visited this market. He sounds unsurecure there :) but after took him around the market and let him negotiated in buying some fruits, he started feeling more confident [hehehe] and start enjoying the atmosphere there … :)specially when he saw people buying and selling pigs from piglet to the size of “bajay” :) dont know why but my hubby looks excited. He perhaps imagining what of “Obelix” imagined :)

It just a short visit we can see the original tribes people interact with each other. If someday I can comeback again to visit the highland of Jayawijaya, will I still see the same ????

May 1, 2011

Raja Ampat Islands, Heaven on Earth!

Another dream came true! Thank GOD...!

Since last 2005, this was the 1st time I heard about Raja Ampat Islands, I always want to visit this place. But unfortunately even though I was living in Papua on that time, but as a staff of the United Nations, we had a strict policy that even for a holiday we must get a security clearance to enter specially a remote area, including in Papua, and I never get that clearance!

But I finally could visited the islands on last April 9-16th. Together with a group of 27 people, mostly from Thailand, we sailed to Raja Ampat Islands with charter the boat of Sea Safari 8. It was an unforgettable trip to this country's largest national marine parks which offers a range of marine life that believed to be the most diverse on the planet!

The Raja Ampat Islands in West Papua is group spreads out over a huge area and consists of over 610 islands. The four largest islands are Waigeo, Batanta, Salawati and Misool. The area's reefs are covered in a diverse selection of both hard and soft corals. Most of the areas reefs are pristine, with mile after mile of perfect hard corals, drift after drift of soft corals of many species and colors ranging from brilliant red, to shocking yellow pretty pink and exotic purple. Most of reef dives are very colorful....totally awesome!

During this expedition I had a chance to dive at Waigeo Island (at Blue Magic and Batu Lima point), Mioskon Island (at Mioskon Reef point), Kri Island (at Sardine Reef point), Mansuar Island (at Manta Sandy point), Farondi Island (at Three Sisters point), Misool Island (at Lonely Rock point and Shadow Reef point), Boo Island, and Fiabacet Island (at Nudi Rock point, and Tagboat Rock point).

The territory within the islands is enormous, covering 9,8 million acres of land and sea, it's a home of 540 types of coral, more than 1,000 types of coral fish and 700 types of mollusks! This makes it the most diverse living library for world's coral reef and underwater biota! According to a report by The Nature Conservancy and Conservation International, around 75% of the world's species live in this awesome islands!

Even though its located in a remote area in Eastern Indonesia, from Jakarta you have to fly to Sorong for about 5-6 hours, then continue by boat for another 20 hours (to Misool Island as the farthest) , but it's truly worth it, at least once in your life, you must visit this heaven in earth!

April 26, 2011

My Sunset in Raja Ampat Islands, West Papua

"Kutangkap senja di Kepulauan Raja Ampat, Papua Barat....dan kubawa ia pulang dalam dekap lensa kamera-ku..."

[Photos captured during my trip to the Islands in April 9-17th, 2011]

March 9, 2011

Broken Friendship?

Friendship is perhaps one of the most beautiful relationship that two people can share. Friendship is about sharing each other's opinions, dreams, fears, aspirations and hopes. Friendship is about engaging conversations, which go and on as friends lose track of time. Friendship is about cherishing old memories of togetherness and creating new ones everyday. Although when you watch friends hanging out and having a great time it seems as if these people just belong together, friendship does require a sound mutual understanding with lots and lots of love and care for each other.

For don't know what reason, one good friend of mine seems dump me away. She has been ignoring me for months, no matter how hard I tried to ask and get contact again, she just keep on her silence. Ignored me. Forget me. And I do feel hurt and wonder why. But I'll keep my hope for one day we will be friends again.

It said that friends are always friends no matter what, and every friendship goes through its good and bad phases. This moment our friendship might be broken, but one day when the time is right, may we be friends again!

[for a girlfriend that I have known for 11 years now, in my heart you will always be my good friend!]

Cheer Me Up!

As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that wasn't supposed to ever let you down, probably will. You will have your heart broken probably more than once, and it's harder every time. You will break hearts too, so remember how it felt when yours was broken. You will fight with your best friend. You will blame a new love for things an old one did. You will cry because time is passing too fast, and you will eventually lose someone you love.

So take too many pictures. Laugh too much. Love like you have never been hurt because every sixty seconds you spend upset is a minute of happiness you will never get back.

[a reminder to myself when I feel hurt when someone used to be my good friend "dump" me away]

February 9, 2011

Solidarity For Religious Freedom

It was last Sunday morning, when about 1,500 people mob attacked about 30 Ahmadiyah followers in Cikeusik, Banten, West Java. 3 people was murder, and the others were severely injured.

It's a pouring public sympathy. On the same day, on the late evening, my friends from KontraS (The Commission for the Disappeared and Victims of Violence) sent me a text message when I just finished my Sunday service at my church, and invited me to come and support them on the advocacy visit to the Coordinating Ministry of Politics, Law and Security. So I went there together with the other people who has the same concern on the incident and this violence against humanity. On the next day, hundreds of people gathered at the HI Roundabout, the Welcomed Monument, to demand the Government firm action against those committing atrocity and to promote tolerance and pluralism in Indonesia.

Extremism and hatred must not be allowed to hijack Indonesia’s transition to democracy and violence and discrimination cannot be allowed to grow with impunity.

I am a Christian, and I defend the rights of all religious freedom and faith, including Ahmadiyah!

January 12, 2011


Today is my birthday. Today is also my 6th wedding anniversary. Today, this year is more special as it's on a special date: 11-1-11. Well, of course I do believe that every day is a unique and special, but to me, a special occasion like birthday celebration becomes more special, as the day will force to remind you not only about who you are and yourself, but also about your life, how you live and life, and to be grateful to your creator, and all that you have and have experienced in life.

Everyday on this 11 January, I used to let myself have a birthday's reflection. Where I've been and where I'm going. Do I have accomplish all of my dream and goals, do I become a better person this year, not just to myself, but to other, and most importantly in the eyes of my creator. Do I make HIM happy? Do I make HIM pleased and not regretting that HE created me. Do I make people happy with my presence, especially to those surrounding me.

There are many things that I haven't fulfilled in my life, and still eager to do it or to have it. But also there are some that I always want to have it and do it, and I have fulfilled it. Of course I still see myself as a woman who still wants to do so many things in her life, and wish that there are more time and support for her to fulfill those dreams.

I just want to share here to some few things that I have always wanted to do, and I have been able to accomplished and more importantly have been blessed that HE has given it to me. Today I welcome 11-1-11 with a grateful heart, and these are just to remind me some of thousands that HE has done for me.

  • Continue my study and pursue a higher degree with the money that I earned. This is to prove to parents that they have succeed to raise and educated me, they can trust me, and let them proud that they can see me being financially independent. On year 2002, God trust me and fulfilled this dream. I continued my study and earned my bachelor degree on Business Administration at the University of Indonesia. Well, my parents specially my mom admired this university as the best in the country. Unfortunately when I have fulfilled this dream, both of my mom and dad has passed away, but I am hoping that they would be proud with me, from heaven above.
  • Have a job that I would love and have passion with. On year of 2000, God introduced me to the new career path for me. I previously worked for the profit oriented at some multinational companies (and I used to feel bored and useless), but since that year till today, I have working and contributing myself and knowledge on development sector, by assisting the Government of Indonesia on various development projects (from small medium enterprises, support women and children projects on maternal and child health and HIV/AIDS, legal reform and now for the economic reform), which all aims for a better Indonesia. I love being on this field, I feel needed and not only I get paid but most importantly that I can also contribute something for my country. I am hoping that I could be more and more beneficial to wider community.
  • When I was a young girl, I considered myself as a lucky person. I have the best parents whom could provide me not only care, love and home, but also education, and more. But also I have witnessed that many girls out there were not having the same opportunity as I did. I then committed to myself, if I already could earn money, I must save some of it and contribute to support young girls for their education. God gave me this opportunity to support about 50 Acehnese young girls starting on 2002, and till today HE even allowed me to support education for poor girls, particularly in Salatiga (Central Java), and Papua. I just hope that oneday those girls will remember that God sent them someone to help them to fulfilled their dream, and they will also remember to help the other girls in return.
  • Adventure myself to live and work outside Jakarta, and for sometime remove my attribute as a city girl. On year 2003, God sent me to Papua, eastern Indonesia well known as the most remote areas in Indonesia. I was there to worked with UNICEF, to assist the projects for women and children, on maternal health and child health issues and HIV/AIDS. I was there till 2008, and I must admit that this was one of my most valuable experiences in life. Living in Papua has taught me so many life lesson, and help me to be a strong woman who must learn to survive !
  • Learn diving and explore the ocean. Well, I did tried my first discover scuba on 2006 in Biak, Papua. It was in Cendrawasih Bay, and I have falling in love with the underwater world since then ! I took a formal diving course on 2008, and till today I have dived in many beautiful diving spots allover Indonesia and even outside Indonesia. Being a scuba girl diver is not only bring excitement but also has extend my network and broaden my view to a larger and amazing world !
  • Go on as many vacations as I can, and see other cities and other countries, see many cultures and people. Well, of course I haven't seen all due to many limitation in terms of money and time :) but hope that I can continue my passion on travelling and witness many beautiful places. I also still have a dream to see the real "white snow", and would like to have the opportunity to work in overseas. Hope this would also come true, with God on my side :)
  • Build my own home and design it together with hubby. Well, this is a dream when I just got married. But due to many limitation and situation, only by last 2010, we finally could saved some money and bought a small house for the two of us. We called our first house: the Pine 11 :) Hopefully this house will be completed by mid of this 2011. I will never forget that almost every night I was crying and praying to God that one day I could have my own house, and when we finally have it, and now seeing our Pine 11 is being built, I just feel that I see a miracle tailor made for us, for me !
Those are some that I would like to share on this special day, on my birthday celebration, and more than everything, I thank God for I wonderfully made by HIM.

January 9, 2011

I've Got the Power

Life is short. Don't ever waste it. Life is sweet. Take time to taste it. Life is a journey. Find the right path. Life is entertaining, don't be afraid to laugh.

Life is for good times. Make them last. Life has its bad times, put them in the past. Life is a chance. Make sure you take it.

But most importantly, life is what you make it.

(Kelsey Lyn Carone)

In The Name of God

The above picture was taken from Marie Claire Magazine, January 2011 edition.
The article at page 87 titled "In the Name of God", is capturing a story about inter-religious marriage in Indonesia. It captured about my marriage, and a group of Indonesian Interfaith Couples that I found on late 2005, and currently we already have about 500 members across Indonesia.

In this lovely country, inter-religious marriage needs more than just love, money, and family blessing, because the reality is, it also requires government's permit !

Road Sign of Life

[Picture of me & my girlfriends during teen's life, we called our gank as JERARO]

This afternoon I was let my self have an adventure by walking to my playground area when I was a teenager. This is all because a night before the twitter world was captured on the life at 90's. So including me, we are the generation 90 ! During the decade, I was on high school years, university, and on the late 90's entering the work's life, the adult's world !

The years might be the most important years of my life. As a teen girl I was on my journey for growing up, experience life in swirling emotions, adjustment, sorting out who I am, what I want, learning about friendship and relationship, and many others. Many good memories !

So here I am...strooling my self to the road sign of my life. Of course due to limited time, I just picked up one place, the famous Blok M area, or when I was a teen, it called "Lintas Melawai". During the decade, the area were famous as the young flock ! Together with my friends we used to spent time and hangout on this area, even with my parents ! Lintas Melawai, Aldiron Plaza, Melawai Plaza, AH Restauran, DQs, HD Roller Blade, etc.... those were some places that I used to visit during those years. Today only Melawai Plaza is left. While others were gone, or changing the design and building. This afternoon I was also even tried the old restaurant that I used to visited with friends and family. I ordered the same menu like when I was kid, it still tasted the same ! When I bite it, it feels like I was bringing back to those years by a time machine ! The shocking one, some owner of jewelry shops at Melawai Plaza (Mawar and Kaliem) that I visited today, were remember me ! Seriously ! Well, my mom used to be their loyal customer and I used to accompanied her to those shops ! They were not only remember my mom, but also how I looked when I was kid ! hahaha :)

Well, even only for a short journey, but it always feel good to get in touch again with your roots. It's kinda make you feel "return to the base", and at the end it makes your spirit up lifting again !

So this is my "little adventure", my story on how I spend my weekend when far away from the ocean :)

Welcome 2011

[I have closed my 2010 with an advanture to Gili Trawangan in Lombok]

The year of 2010 has gone, but made me strong. The path was long but I walked with a song. There were fears, tears, and sadness, but I also had response for cheers. Many things had been done, many hope had been gone, but also there's a lot of thing stay the same.

Some dreams came true on 2010. Some are still not, but I will never stop dreamming. New people came into my life, some are became new good friends to me. Some were left me, some hurt me. Some remains good friends.

I traveled quite often on 2010, both domestic and international destination, and accomplished some good things. I hope I will continue on my journey to see more new people, new cultures, new cities, and new countries.

So as I did, may you too enjoy happy memories of 2010, and welcome 2011.

"For faith makes all things possible. Hope makes all things work. Love makes all things beautiful. Prayer makes all things happen".