October 27, 2010


"Every time I see a mother with an infant, I know I am seeing a woman at work. I know that work is not leisure and it is not sleep, and it may well be enjoyable. I know that money payment is not necessary for work to be done. But again, I seem to be at odds with economics as a discipline, because when work becomes a concept in institutionalized economics, payment enters the pictures. So my grandmother did not work, and those mothers I see with their infants are not working. No housewives, according to this definition, are workers".

[Quotes by Marilyn Waring]

October 6, 2010

Mola's Performance

These are some photo that I've taken during my last weekend dive gateway to Penida Island in Bali. This time trip was truly my lucky day ! It seemed that the ocean and the living sea there were smiling to me and my group. In this trip, we had 3 dives across the Penida Island which were at the Christal Bay site, the Manta Point, and last at the Cave site.

During our first dive at Christal Bay, we met the underwater diva: the Mola-mola or the Oceanic Sunfish, the heaviest known bony fish in the world with average adult weight of 1,000 kg ! Mola is actually live in 300 m depth below, but during the period of July-early November you may find this unique creatures at above 40 m depth. And I consider my self as "a lucky blessed" diver for this last Saturday, I met Mola in a minute after I jumped in to the blue water, at 17 m depth only, and she was having his skin cleaning performance for more than 20 minutes. I was about less than a meter away from her. This was my very best intimate moment with her. We were so close to each other, and she didn't even scared of me, I felt she even come closer to me specially when I shot my underwater video on her ! Yaay .... !!! :) Many divers from around the world are coming to Bali during this season just to see her, some of them could see her for a minute before she goes down again to the deep blue water, some could see her only on a very deep dark down there (sometimes we may need to go down to below 40 m depths!), but heiiii, 'am trully lucky right to see this beautiful Mola in almost every dive trip that I have in this Penida Island :)

In my second dive at Manta Point, I met the Black King Manta, one of the rare manta species to see at this site. Oh ya ! On our way from the 1st dive spot to the 2nd one, on the middle of the sea we met with a group of dolphins ! Another living attraction from the marine creatures and its trully awesome !!! At the 2nd dive we had which was the underwater cave diving, surprisingly I met with one sleeping white tip shark ! yess....shark !!! So close, a meter away from me and my buddy !!! And last we met with a giant lobster ! Hahhh, what a complete package of diving, all in a day trip only !

I just falling in love with those underwater creatures, especially the Mola ! :)

October 1, 2010

Deeper Than The Ocean

As a diver, my last dive log was diving deep down the ocean till maximum 43 meters depth. It was sometimes beautiful down there, sometimes nothing than just dark ocean. As a diver, I am also now learning to understand the ocean better, its movement, its mood. The ocean is in a good mood when you find the surface calm and flat. When he become moody and upset, you can slowly seeing him moving from a weak to medium, to a very strong currents ! But we can always predict his mood.

Unlikely human's heart ! For it has hidden "treasures". In secret kept, in silence sealed: the thought, the hopes, the dreams, the pleasures, the wild passion. Whose charms were broken if revealed. Human life possesses a potential deeper than the great wide ocean, and vaster than the sky above.

Dare to explore your own heart ? Your deep down secret which you may never thought about it before ? Dare to understand it ? Dare to admit it ? I did ! For I lately found about another me. For I take the chance and discover my own secrets as another fact of my very best friend and my truly soul-mate: this heart, with no border, no limitation and the deep down hidden passion inside, try to come out, and surprising my own self !

I just had a journey to my own heart !