March 26, 2013

Finding Happiness

Happiness comes from small things. It is when we appreciate small little thing in our daily lives, it is when your heart say nothing than just "thank you". You'll get your happiness. Some of mine are  seeing the smile and laugh from my love one when I cracked a silly joke, or knowing that he excitedly eating the food that I made (despite it may have no taste!hahaha). I find my happiness when we walk together, holding hand along the pathway. A little kiss and hug before leaving and arriving at home. Lying down and just cuddling each other.  

[do not be so corky in finding your happiness, like this meerkat that I met in Melbourne Zoo...:D]  

I always love walking. Here in Melbourne and back when I lived in Jakarta, Indonesia. I also find my happiness when I have my daily walk. Seeing the view, the people, the car and public transport like tram and train here, seeing the beautiful trees and colorful flowers, or just by feeling the gentle wind touching my face and knowing that I am still breathing! I feel grateful that I still can sense all these, my heart and mind are still amazed with those sound simple ordinary things that everyday we see and experience with. Happiness is never expensive. Happiness is within yourself! 

So what is your happiness???

DEEP Indonesia 2013

Time passes so fast! It's time for this year 2013 DEEP Indonesia Exhibition! It feels like only yesterday we are busy preparing and arranging the DEEP Indonesia 2012 which turned to be very successful event for us from Bali Marine Sports! Thank God! 

So if you are a diver or keen to learn to dive and try scuba diving, or just an ocean lover, come and visit us during the exhibition on this coming early April 2013 at Jakarta Convention Center (JCC). Even though this year you won't see me as I am still here in Melbourne, Australia, but you can always meet my best buddy, Nicky Wirawan! Find out from him and feel free to customize your dive plan and get our special offer for exploring Indonesia underwater!

So, just don't miss it! :D

March 18, 2013

Independently Dependent

About a week ago, I accidentally pouring boiling water from the pot onto my hand. Burn hurts! Really hurts and painful! For few days my left hand must be covered with bandage and I can not use it. I can't even do simple daily routine like putting toothpaste, button and unbutton my pants and cloths, and I can't do my paper, typing as smoothly as when I use my two hands. I feel like a handicap. I feel weak. I feel so bad that I have to rely to my husband to help me doing things that I used to do it by myself. I feel bad that I have to depend on others. Sounds very arrogant? Yes, I think so! 

Thank God that I am now getting recover. Nothing serious, only one finger need further bandaging. I just need to deal with a bit of trauma feeling when I work in the kitchen now. Well, I am just a new beginner on this kitchen's world. I still very clumsy and silly. But hope that I am getting much expert on cooking and in the kitchen soon! Who knows! :) 

So what are the lesson learned? For sure, the incident made me realized how good to be "a normal", can do various things that we sometimes just do it without being grateful, and may never appreciate ordinary things as we should have. I also further think about the disabled people, and I started admiring them. For not only they teach us how to appreciate life and "live life to the fullest" with whatever limitations we may have, but also they brave enough to admit and to ask other's help for things that they can't do. It need courages to do this, to admit that we have limitation and to admit that we need others. To depend to other people in certain areas and to some degree. We are not the wonder woman. We are not the superman. To ask someone's help without feeling hurt on your ego. To brave enough to say "Hi there, I need your help". I just feel so ashamed with myself! 

Everything happens for a reason! I take this incident as another process of my self and soul's journey. Another good lesson in my life. This incident also made me feel that I should be able to do more for those disabled people. Voicing their right more. What I suffer are nothing than those with handicaps. I may not know yet what I can do at this very moment, but I wish you and me, we can showing more respect and be more friendly with them and together we can make an easier place and playground for them. May God bless me on this and show me the way. 

March 7, 2013


To celebrate International Women's Day, the UN Women Australia facilitated a gender discussion which invite panel members: Julie Bishop (Deputy Leader of the Opposition and Shadow Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade), Tanya Plibersek (Minister for Health), Julie McKay (Ex Director of UN Women Australia) with ABC Presenter, Virginia Hausseger as the Moderator. I watched the discussion thru ABC TV News yesterday. It was interesting, thus entertaining, specially watching the debate between two smart women, Julie Bishop and Tanya Plibersek. I like them both. Julie is always aggressive but she delivered her strong arguments and criticism with her charming style. Whereas Tanya looks so firm, tough and serious, but also we can still see her feminine and sensitivity when she talked about difficulty being a women in politics.  

As much as I enjoyed watching the debate, I also learned on how those women from this developed country defending their arguments and claims, using not only their beauty and speaking skill, but mostly their analytical skills and logic. It is also surprising me knowing that not only women in developing country like Indonesia still struggling with their gender roles, inequity and inequality, but to certain degree, women in Australia today are also still facing similar challenges. So I believe, we, Indonesian women, are not too left behind :) 

I quoted below on Tanya Plibersek's concern about one example on the unfairness made up by our social structure (in both Indonesia and Australia) about women's dual role in both professional and housemother/wife.  

"No man has ever, ever been asked to choose between a satisfying career and a family they love. No man has been asked to explain why they don't have a family, like the Prime Minister, like Julie....Sure life changes but the idea that we have to explain all the why we made a choice or even have this debate is unfair and old fashioned."

If you are a woman, how about your condition today? Are you still struggling the same? 

I have many female girlfriends, they are still single (by their choice) and have good career. Some even have high level position at the company or organization they work. Some of them are the breadwinner for their family. Something that I used to admired about them. But I also see, how we sometimes too focus to see their unmarried status as their weakness and neglect the fact that they do have good career and produce lots of fruitful things for the community and their family. How many of us have contributed to make those women's lives become inconvenient by keep asking them about their choice and decision? In my own story, many of my friends and families are still questioning why I decided not to have my own children. Seeing me and my decision as something weird, intolerable and need to be fix. In contrast, we may see and feel different thing when those decision or situation occurred to our male friends and brothers. We tend to easily accept whatever their decisions on their life: marry or being a happy single-man, without seeing it as they have some significant weakness.

To see Indonesia treats their women fairly might still far to be happening. But I would encourage us to start it by treating more fairly and with respect to the women surrounding you, your wife, your girlfriend, your siblings and relatives,  or your female co-workers. This could be by just doing an easiest thing: accept and don't doubt whatever their condition today. Without digging further, keep asking them, instruct them, and/or confusing them with their status or decision that they've made. Challenge what they've done, but not stressing on what is embedded into their life as a woman.

If you are a man, be a feminist without loosing your masculinity, and support us to achieve many great things in life. If a woman happy, it is the happiness of all at home. A healthy woman at home (physic and mentally), then we will also have a healthy nation. 

Happy women's day for all women, in wherever you are! We are precious!