October 22, 2009

Don't Try to Be Perfect

"It's just not good enought; it's not quite right; I'm not good enough; nothing I ever do is just right...."

Familiar with those statements ? I do ! I did !

When I told my self that words, I always try to reminds my self that nobody is perfect, for we are always making mistakes, but it also make us keep learning to do things better. Just like a little child, she may need to falls over 240 times before she learns to walk. And no one expects her to walk immediately, even her parents. She just need to keep practise, and practise, and practise.

We are also just grown-up little girls who also need to keep practise our skills. So enjoy what you do, for it really is "good enough" in it self.


Flora Febrianindya said...

what an inspiring word. =)

Flora Febrianindya M

Lia Marpaung said...

salam juga untukmu, neng flora :)