July 3, 2009

Financial Freedom, or, Financial Bondage ???

"Keep falsehood and lies far from me. Give me neither poverty nor riches, but give me only my daily bread. Otherwise, I may have too much and disown You and say, "Who is the Lord?", or, I may become poor and steal, and so dishonor the name of my God. [Proverbs 30:8-9]

Isn't it a wonderful feeling you may have, when you go shopping and have sufficient money to buy whatever you want ? You and I, and also the other hundreds of millions of people are figuring out ways to get a little more, and more, money. If you could tap into their brains you might hear them thinking, "If only I had a million dollars, all my troubles would be over".

Then, how do you go to get those million dollars, or rupiah ? Become a workerholic ? Travelling all around the world to sell your product and expand your market ? Becoming a politician, then with the power and authority that you have, you created your millions of dollars ? upss....:D

I've seen that countries go to war over money. Unions and managers fight over the control of money. Marriages are blows apart because of money. Family relationship are broken apart because of money. People commit suicide over money. See how money plays an important role in our daily lives. Todays, even young children have discovered the power of money.

Here is just a little story about one man and money. Oneday he met money, and said, "You are just a piece of paper". Wanne know what money response to him ? Money smiled and said, "of course 'am just a piece of paper, but I haven't seen a dustbin yet, in my life". :D

So today, do you have financial freedom or financial bondage ?

Whatever our situation today, let us learn to focus on what God has given us, and not on what we do not have. I am learning this today, and trying to understand that God gives us money to provide our basic needs for food, clothing and shelter, which are necessary to maintain life.


- said...

Sihir uang memang mematikan ya. Tidak sedikit yang begitu dihadapkan pada uang, langsung klepek-klepek. Hihi.Uang itu penting, tapi bukan untuk dituhankan.

Lia Marpaung said...

benar, mbak. sekarang ini kebanyakan orang bekerja bahkan melakukan segala sesuatu, untuk mencari uang, dan bukan lagi sekedar untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hidup, tetapi lebih dari itu keinginan untuk memiliki hidup itu sendiri.

tidak munafik kita semua butuh uang, tetapi sedih rasanya jika karena uang dan keserakahan, suatu hubungan antar anak manusia, menjadi hancur berantakan...apalagi jika sampai mengorbankan kesempatan untuk hidup itu sendiri...

- said...


Ge Siahaya said...

Wow, paparan yang luarbiasa (^__^) Seringkali kita jadi lupa, dan malah dikendalikan oleh apa yg seharusnya kita kendalikan.

Thanks ya Lia :)

Lia Marpaung said...

thanks, kak gati. it's scarry to be a control freak, but when dealing with money, guess we need to control and not money control us :D

Anonymous said...

pengen punya duid biar bisa travel!

hahaha, teUteUp!!

Tapi beneran deh, emang tetep kita yang harus punya control sama uang...

ada pepatah bilang "money can't buy happiness"


Lia Marpaung said...

Retrira: samaa kita....kerja buat ngongkosin kebutuhan jalan2 hahaha

yang penting untuk diingat [dan dilakukan], supaya kita tidak mengambil hak orang lain demi memuaskan kebutuhan kita yang tak terbatas itu....:D

Anonymous said...

setuju banget itu neng Lia :)

Jadi kapan kita travel bareng?

Lia Marpaung said...

Retrira: august ini rencananya mau travelling ke thailand...dare to join ? :D

Anonymous said...


kenapa ke Thailand??
Hihihi, udah bosen neng kalo ke Thailand...dalam setahun ini udah 4 kali gw kesono..wakakaka!

Next destination kalo yang eksotis dan belum pernah gw kunjungin pastinya gw mau ikut bergabung :D

kalu butuh2 info soal Thailand, don't hesitate to contact me yah! Would be happy to help :)