I feel that I am now at a cross-roads of my career, and try to choose which are the best to me, to my career development, and to the community where I live. Whether I should stay focus on my current work which is assisting on the legal development issues in Indonesia, or should move to a new chapter on the economic governance ? Both are hot issues here in this country, and I would like to contribute as the best I can for this nation.
Well, life is about choices. Including in planning and establish your career. Also about our willingness and capability to leave our "comfort zone" and trying something new. Challenge our selves. Exploring new things in life. We may need to put some more time and energy into making our decision, as I do it now, trying to asses and learn more about my self, my values, my interest, skills, etc, and hoping that whatever I decide latter, with the grace of God who make things happen, it will be well worth in the end.
So, wish me luck, readers, and may God bless me on this path !
Yes, life is about choice but you know what you will do as you know your limitation, your capability and your ability including facing the risk of fail or succeed. Stay in a cross road too long will make you more anxiety. Just do whatever is the best for you and I believe that you can manage...
whoooaaa, thanks you so much, nicky ! you're support is highly appreciated !!! yes, i need to made up my mind soon :)
"u r challenging person, there is no problem for you for all those new thing with new environment, as long as not like kerja rodi and monoton, and the boss is not killer, u may consider to try kali ya...."
thanks for your sms text message, nicky. its so nice to know that i have you support and encourage me :)
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