January 9, 2011

Road Sign of Life

[Picture of me & my girlfriends during teen's life, we called our gank as JERARO]

This afternoon I was let my self have an adventure by walking to my playground area when I was a teenager. This is all because a night before the twitter world was captured on the life at 90's. So including me, we are the generation 90 ! During the decade, I was on high school years, university, and on the late 90's entering the work's life, the adult's world !

The years might be the most important years of my life. As a teen girl I was on my journey for growing up, experience life in swirling emotions, adjustment, sorting out who I am, what I want, learning about friendship and relationship, and many others. Many good memories !

So here I am...strooling my self to the road sign of my life. Of course due to limited time, I just picked up one place, the famous Blok M area, or when I was a teen, it called "Lintas Melawai". During the decade, the area were famous as the young flock ! Together with my friends we used to spent time and hangout on this area, even with my parents ! Lintas Melawai, Aldiron Plaza, Melawai Plaza, AH Restauran, DQs, HD Roller Blade, etc.... those were some places that I used to visit during those years. Today only Melawai Plaza is left. While others were gone, or changing the design and building. This afternoon I was also even tried the old restaurant that I used to visited with friends and family. I ordered the same menu like when I was kid, it still tasted the same ! When I bite it, it feels like I was bringing back to those years by a time machine ! The shocking one, some owner of jewelry shops at Melawai Plaza (Mawar and Kaliem) that I visited today, were remember me ! Seriously ! Well, my mom used to be their loyal customer and I used to accompanied her to those shops ! They were not only remember my mom, but also how I looked when I was kid ! hahaha :)

Well, even only for a short journey, but it always feel good to get in touch again with your roots. It's kinda make you feel "return to the base", and at the end it makes your spirit up lifting again !

So this is my "little adventure", my story on how I spend my weekend when far away from the ocean :)

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