"If you had the chance, just one chance, to go back and fix what you did wrong in life, would you take it ? And if you did, would you be big enough to stand it?" [Mitch Albom, For One More Day]
I felt intrigued by that questions, and start to think which part of my past life that I would like to go back and fix it. I got to be very honest that I have made dozens of mistake, some were very bad and when I remember it today, I feel so ashamed and stupid ! Yes, there are many things in my life that I wish I could take back. Many moments I would recast.
But IF, only one chance that I could have, then this is the scene of my life that I choose to fix it...
Back when I was 20 years old. A self-center young girl who just graduated from college, she thought that she can do whatever she want, just because now she can earns money by her own. Then she started to create her own world, from a daddy's girl who used to hide behind daddy's back turned into a young selfish girl who built a world where "freedom of choice" is the only key word to justify everything that she wants, and everything that she should not do or take in life. Other than those kind of life-style, my biggest mistake was by having a relationship with a man that broke my parent's heart ! And since that day I have created an unbridged gap between my parents and I. This was my biggest mistake, for I left them, and ignored them for couple of years, till the day come when I realized that I have ruined my youth life !
I would like to recast this scene, put far away of my youth-life ego and avoiding the unbridged gap between my parent and I. Spend more time with them to learn from their wisdom and experience, and love them more than just take them for granted.
This that I really wish I could fix it: let my parents know how precious they are...
good writing
pasti mereka mengetahui nya mbak..
saya juga sering berpikir hendak melompati waktu dan kembali ke suatu masa untuk memperbaiki kesalahan2 yang memalukan dan m,ungkin merugikan kedua orangtua saya..
tapi setelah dipikir2...
itu hanya hal yang rasanya mustahil..
kalaupun ada, mungkin saya tak ingin..
karena, kalau hal itu saya rubah, mungkin tak pernah ada saya yang sekarang..yang bisa kenal mbak lia...;)
Hai, Nita, apa kabar? Uh, jarang mampir ke rumahku kau sekarang? Ada apa?
Waha, ga nyambung dengan tulisan ya? Hehehe ...
mas ahmad : thanks ya...sekedar curahan hati, dan terimakasih untuk mengunjungi rumahku disini.
herza chayank, memang kita cuma bisa berandai-andai, dan jikalau pun benar bisa, memang sebaiknya kita tidak kembali ke masa lalu...ahh, going back to something is harder than we think...
mas arief: aduuh...kok nita ? salah sebut, atau lagi memikirkan siapa siih ? hehehe aku msh suka mampir kok mas....dan menikmati suguhan tulisan mas...:)
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