Do you believe in miracles ? Why does everyone get so excited about miracles ?
I do believe in miracles. And yes, I got excited, simply because when I see or found my miracles, I see GOD and HIS works on me !
This is my story when I lately found another miracle that God has shown it to me, it is when I found my long-lost friend, my childhood friend ! It was started when I was browsing the google engine, and found a blog wrote about "That's What Girl Friends Are For", written about a year ago, and the writer, whom did not mentioned her real name, but wrote on my name, my full name, as her neighborhood girl-friend. I gave my response by writing a comment, give her my email and hoping that my guess could be right. And guess what ??? It doesn't take long, she dropped an email to me, gave me her number, but before I have a chance to call her, by what we called "a coincidence", we both met just in few days after ! This was less than 3 weeks since I dropped my comment on her blog !
Her name is Ari Dianing Ratri, or I used to call her Dian. She is my childhood long-lost friend. I was on my last year of elementary school, just moved to Jakarta, and living in the area of eastern Jakarta, Pondok Gede. We started spending time together after school, almost everyday since our house was so close to one another, from ride bike together 'till, I still remember when we played "masak-masakan" or play "kitchen and cooking" together...:) aah, I still remember those old days when we were kids ! It seemed like yesterday, though ! But the reality we just never meet again for more than 20 years, I lost contact with her when my family moved from Pondok Gede to another neighborhood in southern Jakarta, Bintaro. So it is really a joyful moment when I saw her again on that afternoon, when we hold and hug each other tight.
I thank God for this moment, for giving me another opportunity to meet again with my long-lost best friend. And I smiled today when I wrote this, remembering how HE set this coincidence meeting with my friend, Dian. I was having lunch with my other friend at Mall Ambassador, one of the closest mall nearby to my office, and suddenly, there was a lady with 'jilbab' passing by our table, and suddenly calling, well, almost shouting on my name ! I looked at her, and so surprised to see her, as I just wrote her a message, and wish to make a plan and visit her ! And there you go, your wish just come true in a second !
Do you believe in those what we call "chance" and "coincidence", are also miracles ? Do you believe that find a long lost friend is also a miracle, a miraculous reunion ? Or, it is like one day when you miss your bus, and the course of your life is forever changed. A miracles happened to you ! A miracle so seamless that even the person they happen to doesn't fully comprehend what really occurred ! Well, again I do believe in miracles, but most importantly that I now thank God, for not just giving me those miracles in life, but also for let my eyes and heart open to see and feel those miracles in my life. Everyday when I wake up and find out that I am still alive, my hubby is still alive and those that I love are still alive, is my daily, my everyday miracle. I thank God for making this coming day the best of my life.
God miracles, either we see it small or big miracles, but let us continued to give thanks and praise God, the creator of all life in this universe.
"Praise the Lord, o my soul, all my inmost being, praise His holly name. Praise the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefit, who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion, who satisfies your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagle's". [Psalm of David 103]
jadi keinget The Alchemist mbak..hem...
waah, i haven't read that book of paulo coelho...kecuali resensi bukunya....:D sementara masih suka dan lagi fokus membaca bukunya mitch albom dulu :D
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