[my "high-tech buddies", goodbye my white SE !]
After more than 4 years partnering with my white Sony Ericsson M600, today I have been forced to say goodbye to my favorite cellphone ! It was truly my mistake, for went-out to a super mall called "Metropolitan Mall" in Bekasi and wore my open tote bag. Well, actually its my first time visited the mall after such of years, and I got stolen ! grgghhhh !!! This phone was a gift from my hubby and specially delivered by him when I was living in Papua, and ever-since become not only as a communication and internet tool, but has be a good buddy and best friend to me :) well, if you are living alone with thousand miles away in a remote area, far away from your hubby and family, good friends, and good entertainment life as in Jakarta, then having a good communication tool is an essential to cheer your days !
Now I still weigh the most appropriate replacement ! Hopefully within this week, I already can figure out on the new replacement of my Sony Ericsson !
Similarly with my situation, well okey okey, I just trying to make it similar with my own [hehehe], after more than 4 years [too] now SBY has to say goodbye to JK as his partner, and after a long search, then within this week SBY will announce his new running-mate for this coming 2009 Presidential Election ! I wonder who will be, but hopefully the person will be someone whom SBY can rely on and depend on, just like how I used to depend on with my Sony Erisson ! hehehe
I might be feeling sad today for loosing my favorite cellphone and all of my data in there [and worst, I might not be able to find with similar brand as the company is getting broke], and so is SBY for broke-up with JK [is he sad ???], but as it said, "even though I have been tossed and turned in life's storms, I will surely see a brighter dawn", and I hope it for my self and also this nation, as we all need to keep moving on...
[when I feel bit anxious whether SBY will partnering with PKS/PPP, ...hope not !]
awalnya..membaca...uuuhhh....ikut sedih, karena kenangan pada suatu benda emang ga bisa ilang yah...dan mangkelnya pasti luar biasa saat kehilangan..dicuri lagi..halah...
tapi...mendadak ketawa...ternyata ada yah, hubungannya kehilangan hp dengan SBY, akh..mbak Lia..bisaaa...aja...
nyanyi akh..lalu lily allen: LDN
coba deh mbak, simak liriknya...hihi...:)
okeh hezra ntar gw coba dengerin deh lirik laginya hehehe
btw, ntar kirimin no hp hezra lagi ya di facebook...ilang semua datanya nih :(
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