My 11 y.o. niece, Christie, has been asking me several time to make her a blog. She has been quite active writing and posting notes on her facebook's account, and though that it is time for her now to have her own blog home.
I am honestly support her on this, as I always encouraged her to keep on reading book as many as she can, support her by giving various kind of books that I think it might be good for a teen girl like her, and encourage her to keep practice more and more on writing. Reading and writing ! And not because she is my loving and only niece, but she is really good on both now ! Well, she is still "choosy" and seemed always preferred a kind of girly-book, but that's fine, and I like her writing style ! So I though having her own blog would be a great help for her to learn on writing and also expressing her self thru writing. But when I discussed this issue with my hubby, he is not agree with the idea, as he though Christie still very young to have her own blog, and because of some other reason that we should avoid her to be too expose to the cruel world out there ! What a super protective uncle she has !!! :)
I remember my self during my teen's life. I always had my own diary,... yes, with its own lock ! hahaha It helped my daily life alot as a teenager, whom sometimes can't just express what you feel as you want ! But thru writing, it helped me to see the world as a more simple nice one, and easy to deal with ! Well, life as a teenager is often very much different than life as either a child or an adult. It is a turbulent time, with everyday you may have different obstacle to face, and less wisdom and understanding on why or how.
So, should I make her a blog or not ??? :)
Untuk mengasah talenta menulis say :)
Gw dukuunngggg.......
hehehe kayaknya memang harus membuatkan...seminggu ini udah ditagih teruzzz :) artinya, tantenya christie akan semakin bertambah tugasnya [mengawasi blog baru christie nantinya...hehehe]
ga papa sayyy :)
nanti tante retri bantuin juga ngawasin blognya..hahaha :P
btw, yang bikin bannernya bukan gw say :P gw dibikinin sama temen baek gw...
berminat dibikinin juga? GRATIS kok..orangnya super baik, jadi perlu dimanfaatkan...hahahaha!
Hi Aunty Retrira, I finally approved to have my own blog :) so please do visit mine at
@ Retrira: as she said, I finally gave up :) nach, tepati janjimu yaa untuk membantuku mengawasi blog cute christie....:) and mauuu donk dikenalin plus dibilangin ke temanmu...aku mau banget ganti design blogku yang ada gambar dunia bawah lautnya...:) gimana caranya buuuu ???
@ my sweetie christie: now not only uncle adi and I, but aunty retrira will also watching on you here :)
@Aunty Retrira pls do visit my blog and comment :)
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