Time flies to fast, suddently already half of this year now, and June is coming.
Yes, time passed so fast, especially if you were studying and working at the same time, just like me....it's so tiring, and sometimes it could be very heavy too ! But that's life, right ? It should never be that easy, but also never that difficult, it just about how you see it, and when you find that life is hard and difficult, just try to see it from the eyes of a child. As adult, we are sometimes "too good" in seeing thing as difficult and complicated, aren't we ???
Now for the next coming six months [or another one semester :D], I need to force my self to write and complete my thesis, and hope there will be no more delay and lazyness [that i am still fighting hard on it now :D], so that I can start make a plan for another journey of life...ooh yes, I have a plan to continue my work and life out of this wonderful city crowd of Jakarta again, somewhere else, with new things that I can learn, new things that I can see, and of course with a new challange of life !
But for time being, I just need to welcoming and enjoying this half of year, this month of June.
And remembering that June is coming, I just suddently remember one of Sapardi Djoko Damano's poem, Hujan Bulan Juni, here I'd like to write it here for I really like this poem, as a celebration of this first day on June, but with no rain.... :D
Tak ada yang lebih tabah dari hujan bulan Juni
Dirahasiakannya rintik rindunya kepada pohon berbunga itu
Tak ada yang lebih bijak dari hujan bulan Juni
Dihapusnya jejak-jejak kakinya yang ragu-ragu di jalan itu
Tak ada yang lebih arif dari hujan bulan Juni
Dibiarkannya yang tak terucapkan diserap akar pohon bunga itu...
[Sapardi Djoko Damono]
yap..welcome to june marpaung.wakekke..any way keep writing sista
thanks, Sam. Hope that I can make my quantum leap, as what you wrote at your "cangkir kayu" home... :D
hi Lia, Thanks ya udah mampir
iya bener bgt,
waktu berlalu begitu cepatnya
terutama jika kita sibuk
dan penuh aktivitas
tidak terasa udah pertengahan tahun
aku add ya
Awi, iya tuh, diawal tahun rasanya hari berlalu lamban, tapi tau2nya udah setengah tahun lagi, hualaah...awi, aku add juga ya....:D
udah aku add ya, awi.
Hmm... hujan bulan juni :) Saya suka puisi itu, suka semua yg berbau juni, hihihi... :)
soalnya ultahnya mbak Gati kan huahaha hayoooo traktir duunk mbak sekalian "land coffee" [???] hihihi
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