[Stella and I, in our differences we have similarity]
I always hate to say goodbye ! And I do hate farewell ! I love party, but not farewell party ! But lately, there were quite often farewell party that I have been "forced" to attend. One goes to another province, while other move to another country, either for work or pursuing study.
Why can't all the people that I like and I loved are just together in the world around me, and then we just stay and be close together ? Yeach...sometimes it may not possible, right ? For someone would leave you, while other someone may always leaves. Then we would have to say goodbye to them !
Today I have to say goodbye to one of my best friend, Stella Hutagalung. Today she is moving to Canberra, Australia to continue her study. Stella is like my own sister. There were lots of common between us. It has been proved that many times our souls have connected, especially when one of us is feeling sad or down. We will miss each other if we don't meet, talk or sending text messages for more than few days. We have shared lots of joy, laugh, and tears. We started this friendship when were still as young girls more than 9 years ago, and we are still best friend to each other on our current stage in life. We both also have same story and struggle as inter-religious couples. Perhaps, the current major differences between us, Stella is now pursuing for her doctorate, while 'am still trying to finish my master thesis ! And the fact that Stella hates being at the ocean, while 'am a diver who loves the blue ocean :D Oya, related to fashion, Stella loves traditional dresses, while I like harajuku's style ! [heii...'am still trying to like batiks !:D]
It said that nothing makes the earth seems so spacious as to have friends at a distance, for they make latitudes and longitudes. I guess it's true for many of my good friends are now scattered across the globe !
Here to my dear darlin, Stella. May the road rise up to meet you, may the wind be ever at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face and the rain fall softly on your fields. And until we meet again, hopefully either here in Indo or in Aussie, may God hold you tightly in the hollow of HIS hand. And please, tella, remember my advice....while you are there, learn to be selfish for your self :D I am so proud of you, tella, and I miss you already !
Lia sayang!!! So-so sorry that I didn't notice that you've posted something for me at your blog. Ah, kalau Lia gak kasi tahu barusan pasti aku gak akan kunjung notice. Maafkan aku ya dear, sama sekali gak bermaksud mengabaikan..hanya saja memang sudah setahun ini aku jarang sekali buka blog. Pas aku kasi komen di postingmu tentang mamipapi, aku tetap gak notice krn tulisan ini udah tenggelam dari posting lainnya. Wah, how should I make this up for you my dear? Thanks so-so much ya. I miss U so much too. Kadang terpikir kalo udah ketemu dan ngobrol dgn dirimu pasti masalah akan selesai atau tampak lebih ringan..hehe. Hah..aku jadi nangis nih.. Makasih banyak ya Li. Love U. Go get your dreams ya, and you know that my pray is always there for U. Mmmuahhh!
miss you and love you, tella !!!!
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