Being worked at the international donor agency sometimes could be very depressed. You may find some important disagreement about so many things, how to manage the project that you lead or assist, determine the "real" beneficiaries, develop on how much fund to be given to support the project, mechanism on how to implement it, how to monitor it, how to evaluate it, etc, etc, ....and some of these disagreement are perhaps about "values"; how concerned should we be about its good governance [transparency, accountability, professionalism, efficiency, effectivity, what's else ??? Just name it please !], thus, does it bring positive impact to the larger community or just to certain groups and your circle of network only ! And when it comes about values, then it's all about the soul within you. The essence of all.
I have those disagreement, then some of it brings disappointment, that I have carried during my involvement in this kind of industry. So much belief and enthusiasm that I have built to see that various of development projects that I have assisted would bring fruitful impact to the larger community, but again, in the reality, it could not worked and failed due to either a miss-management or cause "the bad apples" [here 'am talking about those who lead and involve on to the project, and miss-use of it for their own profit and interest !]. I was once quit and gave up....for so much conflict of interest and negative atmosphere ! I just could not be patient enough to be there ! O yes, there were so many reason that I could give you as my excuses to my last decision !
But here that I want to admit and also share with you, that many times I forget that "Rome wasn't built in a day" ! It takes a long time to do an important job, an important mission, or to achieve your dream. We just could not expect a quick result on anything that requires for process. We need to fight on things that we want to achieve, we need a process to make it stand on its right place ! Nothing instant, except for your noodle perhaps ! :D
So, as I also learn to have more patience [and passion] in doing my current work, let us [speak out loud to my self: let me !!!] be sure to do our best on everything that we are fighting for, and let us be patient to wait for the very moment when the result come-out in a perfect time ! Let us just enjoy the ride, enjoy the process and take the best out of everything....and even though at the end the result may not as we want to be, or we expect it to be, still we should be grateful for we have been benefited from the process, in a way or another.....but let us remember this, just don't ever wanne be as the bad apples, please.... ! :D
Other than have your patience, most importantly, let us have our integrity and dignity, to build another Rome and a better Rome !
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