[My hubby and the diving Doctor, Dr. Gerald Chuah at Camden Medical Center]
Since birth, my hubby suffered from Retinitis Pigmentosa, a rare eye disease that degenerate the retina cells. In my hubby's case, it is the night vision cells, he can only see lighted objects, and his peripheral vision is very limited. This disease also cause early cataracts developed. For my hubby, the disease also effect his other siblings. Three of four brothers as per I know, also suffered the same thing.
We have visited several top ophthalmologists in Jakarta, but my self and hubby never felt comfortable and confident with their suggestion on the prognosis and proposed medical treatment offered. So we decided to check other possibilities. We were also encouraged by friend to seek advice and treatment in Singapore. That's where we headed.
So on the last part of July, we went to see a very experience ophthalmologist in Singapore, Dr. Gerald Chuah at the Camden Medical Center. Only then we found comfort and confident for future treatment, especially on treating the cataracts. [Dr Chuah is so good, we are so grateful to found him and btw, he is a diver too...hehehe....] Now the surgery is done and only requiring recovering process that we can do ourselves. Thanks God !
Now my hubby can see the world in its full color, albeit with some adjustment mostly to care for his eyes against light. Since his low vision must be maintain against UV, but otherwise he is a lot better in facing the world.
Our grateful for all of God's works in holding our hands and showing His ways so that all are a lot better. I love you so much, my love JESUS. Your love and compassion fulfill our life. Our special appreciation to families and friends [old and new] for their encouragement and support given to us. Specially to mbak Lies Marcoes-Natsier for introducing us to the referral doctor in Singapore and to, mbak Bianti S. Djiwandono for her encouragement, hospitality and friendship while we were in Singapore, Gordon West for understanding and continuous support, Garry Goh for sticking with us everywhere we go in Singapore, mbak Ida Sudoyo and Dewi Beck for the friendship and making sure we can still enjoy our "chicken rice" [hehehe] and my big fat Marpaung's family for being with us during the trying-times and the joyous moment.
Another thanks to God, for sending those lovely families and friends to our life.
mas adi: enjoy the old world with new sights and full-colours ;)
hehehe... may be then the old world can become new also....thanks alot, mbak riana ! :)
selamat menempuh 'hidup yang lebih baru' lagi buat Mas Adi, Li..
senangnya denger semuanya lancar :)
iya joyce, thanks alot buat dukungan dan doamu juga yaa....kapan jadinya kita nge-rafting bareng nih ? :)
hezra, thanks juga yaa for your concern to us :)
Selamat ya Li. Seeing the world in its full color. Nothing is impossible buat yang percaya :)
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