[our loving father, our hero]

After more than three months hospitalized, God finally called my father to return to HIS home on last Friday morning, August 15th, at 6.30 am. The funeral was on last Monday, August 18th with military honor. In that funeral, the army sent some 100 soldiers and officers to hold ceremonies at home and the cemetery. It was really an honor for my dad and especially to all of us to have that kind of respect from the army where he had served for about 30 years. The funeral was held around noon, but the sun did not seem to glare it hottest. Many friends and lot families attended the solemn ceremony to pay the last respect to my dad. I am very sad to let him go, but I believe that my father is in a better place now in heaven.
So for my loving father, Poltak Anggara Marpaung, I hope that you will always know whatever I do, wherever I go there is one thing I will never outgrow, and that is my love for you. In my eyes you hung the moon that no child could have ever ask God for a better father than you were to us, Erwin-Ully-Erni and my self. We all loved you then, and we love you still! Our eyes might not be able to look upon your gentle loving face again, but if we look with our hearts we still see mom and your love. I love you, sweet Papi and miss you even more. I miss you and your voice especially when you were calling me 'sayang'. I am still feeling so sad when mom passed away five years ago, and when you made us orphan on last Friday, and it still feel very hurt inside knowing that you and mom were not here with us anymore. But 'am also feeling happy that you finally re-united again with mom in heaven.
Now you can rest peacefully, my sweet papi, rest high upon that mountain, and watch over us... untill we all meet again in the house of God in heaven. So for now to my loving Papi and Mami in heaven, you both will never be far from us, for we will always carry your love in our hearts.
We love you, Papi and Mommy !
Lia sayang, aku menangis membaca tulisanmu ini. Rasanya masih teringat jelas saat terakhir menyempatkan diri menengok Papi sebentar di rumah sakit. Tuhan sudah memanggilnya pulang. Kita mengimani ini sebagai jalan yang terbaik walau pasti sangat berat. Yang pasti Papi sudah menunjukkan kasih sayangnya yang begitu besar dan tanpa pamrih ke keluarganya. Perjuangan Papi menghadapi sakit juga sudah begitu berat. Take care ya Li. Hugs.
Duh Lia, it's so heart breaking. Aku nggak kenal papimu, tapi membaca tulisanmu, beliau pastilah seorang yang luar biasa. Bahagianya beliau dicintai demikian besarnya oleh anak2nya. Sekarang, pastilah papimu melihat kalian dari atas sana dengan bangga. Tuhan terlalu sayang sama papimu untuk membiarkannya lama-lama dalam kesakitannya, Li.
iya tella, pada akhirnya kami tetap mengucap syukur karena Tuhan telah memenangkan papi menghadapi segala sakitnya...dan sekalipun sedih, aku senang melihat betapa tenang dan damainya papi saat beliau telah dijemput sang pemilik kehidupan...
Desny, sekalipun besar cinta dan sayang kami untuk papi, like u said, God loves him much more than us..HE broke our hearts to prove to us that HE only takes the best....
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