[Jan 11 2005, our wedding, four years ago...]

[Jan 11 2009, as a couple today...]

[celebrating together with my Marpaung's family...]
[lunch celebration together with family, and some of good friends]
When I woke up yesterday morning, I felt so blessed that here I am...another year older !
I feel more blessed as 'am celebrating with combination of all of the things that I love. My 4th wedding anniversary [yeacch, about four years ago my hubby decided to give me his best birthday gift, that is marrying me, while i was thinking he gonna give me a huge diamond of 100 karat ! hehehe], a birthday and wedding anniversary lunch with my family and couples of best friends, oreo ice cream cake with candle on top plus the birthday song shouted by those who I love and love me, follow up by a night hang-out with my Marpaung's team [including my 10 years old niece and a 6 years old nephew !], and everything else I can manage to squeeze into one weekend, its been a blast in a day !
Together with my siblings, in laws, niece and nephew, and couples of good friends, my hubby and I had a great lunch together at Bebek Bali Resto at Taman Ria Senayan, then we went out for a coffee and chillin out at Au Lait Cafe, then end up at Mellys Cafe for a late-night birthday supper. Being together with the family....its a precious and valuable thing in life ! You know that you are part of them as they part of you, and binded together because of love. This may never be happen before ! Oh yes...we all do mistake, even as a family ! We almost break this harmony because of our ego... I still remember those old days...how hard I need to try to make my hubby and my marriage could be accepted by the family, and how i used to feel depressed when they seem ignoring us and this marriage...but then, with the blessing from God, HE just make everything possible...and beautiful...in HIS time....in the name of LOVE ! And here we are today....together as a family, as a team, celebrating my birthday and my wedding anniversary !
There is no fast-forward and there is no easy button ! But here I am, and my life is everything I could have wished for, - and then some. I am not claiming it to be perfect of course...but I am definitely at a very happy place in my life.
So, another year older on my age and a marriage life, we just never too old to set another goal or to dream another dream, right ? :)
As quoted from John Ruskin, life is a magic vase filled to the brim; so made that you cannot dip into it nor draw from it; but it overflows into the hand that drops treasures into it-drop in malice and it overflows hate; drop in charity and it overflows love.
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