She is cute, isn't she ? :)
This pink dolphin's name is Brenda. I met her first time when I visited Singapore Sea World, and saw her performance. Then my friend, Gary Goh, introduced me to her trainer after the show, and brought me to Brenda ! She is so smart, and adorable ! When I took her photo, she was just acting as you may see her on the above photos ! She is very photogenic and narcist too ! :)
She reminds me of my first experience about 5 years ago, seeing life dolphins, more than 30 dolphins, swimming freely, alive, and they were following our boat, when I travelled to Urbas Island in eastern Biak Island, Papua. This was one of my unforgettable moment when I lived in Papua.
And since then, I just never stop admiring dolphin and other marine creatures !
Back about dolphins, do you know that they can live for more than 30 years old ?! Yes !!! And they can sleep about 8 hours a day, just like us ! When they sleep, only half of their brain is passive and they can be seen resting, on the water surface, with one eye open ! After some time they will close that eye, and open the other, and alternate like this throughout their nap !
Another interesting fact about dolphins, are their behaviour when one of them are sick. Members of their group will gather around and support the sick one to the surface to breathe. They may look after the sick one for hours or even days ! Isn't it so sweet ???
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