"People make mistake. I've made mistakes too. Sometimes very serious ones. But sometimes people just don't know what they are doing. They sometimes made mistakes in the way brought you up or finished a relationship with you or whatever, not because they wanted to do it that way, but simply because they didn't know any different.
If you want to, you can just to let go of any feelings of resentment, of regret, of anger. You can accept that you are a fabulous human being because of all the bad things that have happened to you. Accept that what is done is done, and we just need to get on with things. Let them go, embrace them as a character forming and in general as positive rather than negative".
More than a year ago, I wrote the above writing on my old blog home here. But today I feel like to re-write it again on my new blog home here. Just as a reminder to my self to keep practicing on how to forgive and forget. That we all made mistake.
Here I also would like to specially say thanks to a daring friend in Papua. A good friend who always trying to be a good sister to me, Rihana Bakri. For your "sms" and our yesterday late-nite conversation via long distance call, have knocked my head again :) She is one of those who have courage to criticize directly and sharply to this stubborn girl within me ! [hehehe]
A good friend is so precious. For they keep reminds you, when you lost your way...
tau ga bu, dulu ada yang pernah bilang ke saya "kalau kita pernah melihat orang lain jatuh di sebuah lubang, tidak perlulah kita jatuh pada lubang yang sama"
rasanya kan beda yah.. antara merasakan sendiri dengan hanya melihat.
betull....kalau belum ngerasain sendiri, biasanya kita tetap suka penasaran....nah kalo dah ngerasain sendiri dan tahu gimana rasanya, baru bisa benar2 mengerti :)
but again, yg namanya pelajaran kehidupan, terkadang kita harus dan [mungkin] akan berkali-kali mengalami sesuatu hal....seperti juga halnya "jatuh, bangun, jatuh, dan bangun kembali.....we will be strong by then...
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