April 30, 2008
Choose to be Happy
April 29, 2008
Beri Pancing, Ikan, atau Cangkul ?
April 28, 2008
Dari Sajak M.S. Hutagalung
Rindu Ketenangan
April 27, 2008
Our Loving Fathers, Our Hero...
April 25, 2008
Today's Joke
April 24, 2008
Whose Job is it ?
U Can Do It....Stay Focus
April 23, 2008
Save the Mother, Save the Future
All about Power !
April 22, 2008
R.A Kartini and A Better Healthcare Service

April 19, 2008
My Today's Musing
Nice People
April 18, 2008
Friends Everywhere...
April 16, 2008
I Am Still Learning
Today I met an old friend of mine, here in Makassar. Even though 'am quite often visiting this town, but due to various of reason from both side, we always post-pone our meeting...'till today. But seems that things are bit different now. With time flies by, we both are kind of a new person to each other.
He said 'am changed. I said he is changed. He said I become "too liberal". While I said, he become very fanatic. He could not accept that I married a man from what he said a "non-believer". He said I need to repent. And it means by bring my man to my "belief". He said 'am doing a biggest mistake in life. He said I crucified our God for the second time.
Then I just smiled. Like the other similar conversation that I have for these past few years, I decided to let them talked and I just listen when jumped into this kind of topic.
For those who still blame me for doing this, and said that 'am doing a mistake, let me say you this here... that to me, the biggest mistake that people make in life is NOT making a living at doing what they most enjoy. I never regret that I married a man, whom you may said from a "non-believer". He is the most important man in my current life that God gave me. My other half, and I do enjoy sharing this life together with him.
So let me, like what you said, enjoying my "mistake". And live with it. We both are still learning about this marriage life and other lesson in life. I know for sure, that my God will never leave me just because 'am married this man. My God have the most biggest heart. To understand me. And other human being. HE is there with Christian. Muslem. Budha. Hindhu. Even with those who don't believe HIM.
I know that 'am not a perfect one. Including in the way I understand this life or what God wanted me to do in my life. But in this limitation within me, I will never stop to keep learning ...even about things that I do not know or [still] can not do. Pablo Picasso said that, " I am always doing that which I can not do, in order that I may learn how to do it".
So my friend, I am glad that we finally met today. Our meeting reminds me again that I still need to learn more about so many things in life. Including to understand our self and other people. Our thinking, what other people's think about us. What to do. How to do.
Life is so precious !
April 15, 2008
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