[Christie and her 'lil brother, Christo, my two angels]
I was trying to explained it to her on this reason. But guess that she is still too small to understand it. I told her that this time her aunty need to prioritize to stay with her "opung" instead seeing her performance and I feel so sorry to break my promise to her.
She is still kind of ignore me 'till she left the hospital. I felt sad to disappoint her today since we are very close, and I always grant her wishes. Hope that one day she will understand about what priority is. For my sweetie, when you grow older you need to be smart in choosing your priority in life. Sometimes it takes courage to do what needs to be done, and that may hurt someone that we love and care.
hihi, kadang-kadang, karena kepolosan anak kecil, seperti ngambeknya dia..bikin kita jadi ga enak sendiri, padahal kita ga berniat mengecewakannya...
prioritas dalam hidup...
hmmm, aku punya ga yah...:(
iya emang kepolosan 'ponakanku dan bocah lainnya juga, seringkali membuat kita "takjub"....they are just so amazed ! :)
prioritas ??? pasti kamu punya ! bukan setiap hari dalam hidup ini, kita belajar untuk memilih dan menentukan mana prioritas kita ? :)
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