June 13, 2008

No Fear. No Surprise. No Hesitation. No Doubt.

What I've learned from this life today !

No Fea
. There should be nothing in this life that you are afraid of. If there is, then you might need to do some work on overcoming that fear. Whatever you fear, face it head on and defeat it. 

No Surprise. Whatever our current situation now, it is going to change. So no surprise then. Keep waking up and nothing sneak up on us!

No Hesitation. Weight up the odds and then just get on with it. If you hang back, the opportunity will have passed. If you spend too long thinking, you'll never make a move. Once we have looked at the options, we make a choice, a decision and then go for it! No hesitation and do not wait around for other people to help out or make up our minds for us. Just throw yourself in head first and enjoy the ride :) 

No Doubt. Once we have made our mind up about something, don't go over it again and again. Stop thinking and enjoy, relax and let go ! Stop worrying, as tomorrow will come along as certainly as it can. No doubt about life. Be confident. Be committed. Be sure of yourself. Once we have committed ourselves to a set course, a path, a plan, then follow it though. Have no doubt it was the right thing to do and no doubt that we will succeed. Trust your judgement completely ! 

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