So here I am. Staying at this historic colonial style hotel which have 144 rooms with private balconies. In a glance this hotel looks quite similar with my most favorite Majapahit Hotel in Surabaya, so I was thought that I can enjoy my staying here as enjoyable as in Majapahit Hotel. But it was totally wrong ! As a frequent traveller who spent many times at five stars to thousand stars hotel [note: thousand stars hotel means a hotel where you can have your room directly facing the sky and the stars above, or in other word : camping :)], I just can simply judge the quality of hotel. Doesn't mean that five stars can always provide their best "five stars" services to the customers. I found that some of a no-stars hotel could provide better quality of services than those big hotels.
I am quite disappointed with this Grand Mercure Hotel in Yogya. Even thought we have a cozy room at the second floor of the hotel with its nice pillows and neat decoration, but unfortunately it wasn't a guarantee that we [or the others] could have a good sleep here. For those who have so many activities on a day, a good rest with a good sleep without disturbance is very important. But here, we just can't sleep well as terrible non-stop noise came from the fan-belt of the room air conditioner placed at the balcony of the room, a meter away from our bed. The voice is so disturbing especially on the middle of the night. I woke up this morning with feeling unsatisfied and dizzy, as I keep waking up. When I reported this to the reception and asked their engineering guys to fix it, or give us another [better] room with no such of disturbing noises, they told me that is the usual condition, meaning they can't do anything about it, meaning that all rooms have similar condition, the different is on the volume of its noise, whether its too loud [like in our room] or not too loud [dunno how not too loud they mentioned about!]. Huhhh ???? What an excuse !
Gorgeous from the outside, doesn't mean gorgeous from the inside ! Neat decoration but without proper planning for its best utility !
[Anyway, the internet access is superb ! That is one of the most enjoyable moment that I have during our stays at this Grand Mercure Hotel !]
bu...kemaren sempet ngerasain mie ayam yang di depan grand mercure gak? lumayan lohhh.....
bolehlah di coba...
yang gerobak di pinggir jalan itu yaa ? sempat niat mampir karena tertarik lihat ada lumayan banyak orang makan disitu...tapi malah mampirnya di "kedai tiga nyonya" hehehe
aku pengen banget nyobain nasi kucing dan kopi joss yang didekat rel kereta api arah malioboro itu...next time aku ke kotamu, janji yaaa temenin aku ....hehehe....
yup..yup..yup...walaupun aku juga gak tau tempatnya yang mana...tapi, akan selalu aku usahain...sip....
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