It said that if you want to be successful in your life, at work, socializing, you need to be aware that there are two groups of people to hang out with. First, there are those who lift you up, are positive about life, have energy and enthusiasm, walk their walk, talk their walk and generally make you feel great to be alive. And then there are the moaners, who brings you down to their level of inactivity. The second group are not the group to hang out with if you want to make things happen and be happy.
So hang out with the positive, smart people. With the people who feel life is an exciting challenge worth wrestling to the ground and having fun with. The sort of people who have interesting points of view, who make you feel good talking to them, who have positive things to say or suggest rather than moaning. The sort of people who tell you that you look fantastic rather criticize you.
So no point hang out with people who don't make you feel good, not unless you like being down, or they are just having a bad day :)
So, do you have your circle of positive people to hang out with ???
tulisan ini memotiasi saya!
wah, padahal baru aja tadi dijalan, aku berpikir...
mengenai penyakit yang paling menular... apakah itu? tidak lain adalah "rasa pesimis". karena beberapa hari lalu, ketemu dg beberapa org yang pesimis dlm hidupnya. jadi, ikutan males deh. sampe' akhirnya tadi pagi aku bangun lbh awal dari biasanya, dan aku sadar ini ga boleh keterusan!
bertemu dengan orang2 yang berjiwa positif, bukan hal yang gampang, tapi...mgkn kita bisa mulai dr diri kita... ya ga sih?
...tul banget ! sekarang ini juga banyak teman kita yang lebih senang mengkritik daripada saling membangun and encourage to one another, tapi daripada sibuk kasak-kusuk pilah pilih teman [hehehe], mari kita mulai dari diri kita sendiri stay positive rather than be a moaner....semoga aku pun bisa....kita semua bisa !
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